How to Earn Money Online by Writing Articles?

Surely you already know that you can earn money from home by writing texts for the Internet, as it has become the livelihood of many people, extending beyond being a mere resource for earning extra money at the end of the month.

You can begin your content writing journey by searching for terms like write my paper for me. However, it is also important to possess a curious spirit and be willing to research and read extensively about the topic you are assigned to write about. Moreover, having a basic understanding of SEO and copywriting is beneficial in order to meet your client’s requirements.

Once you have clarified these points, let’s examine the actions you should take to earn a salary by writing articles from home.

How to make money writing web copy?

If you want to learn how to earn money by writing on the internet, do not miss a single word of this article. We want to tell you about the options you have to earn a salary as an online copywriter.

make money writing web copy

To begin with, there are two options that we will explain further: registering on platforms related to online writing or creating a blog or website about a topic you are passionate about and including it on these platforms to sell sponsored articles that you have written. These options are not mutually exclusive; many online copywriters use both since their own blog or website serves as a portfolio.

Once you have gained more experience, you can create your own website to offer your services as an online copywriter in a completely autonomous way, without the mediation of any platform. The advantage of this option is that you have complete control over the prices, as you do not have to give any commissions to anyone and you can negotiate freely with the client.

On the other hand, because you are not on a platform where clients are already present, you will have to find a way to reach out to them yourself. This can be done through Google Ads campaigns, email marketing, and all the resources you can think of to attract clients.

An intermediate option is to work for a content marketing agency where freelance copywriters usually write texts for clients. The conditions vary depending on each agency, although there is usually some room for negotiation.

Advantages of working from home and writing articles online as a copywriter

We assume that if you have come across this post, you are already convinced of the benefits of working as a copywriter from home. However, just in case you have any doubts, let us explain the advantages of this type of work.

working from home and writing articles online

• Maximum flexibility: As long as you meet the deadlines stipulated by the clients, it doesn’t matter when, where, or how you write the articles. You can sit down to write whenever you want, even take your computer to the beach. You can simply set your own schedule.

• Pricing options: Although some platforms may provide guidelines on how much you can charge based on your level of writing, others allow you the freedom to set your own price for your work. If you work independently, you can negotiate the price with each client based on their requirements.

• Specialized topics: When you register on platforms, you can choose the topics you like the most or in which you are an expert. This allows you to write about what you are truly passionate about and understand, making the work much more enjoyable. If you work for an agency, you will have to write about the topics assigned to you, whereas if you are a freelancer, you can decide whether to accept or decline projects.

One advantage often mentioned when it comes to working from home is the absence of a boss. We don’t want to deceive you: it’s true that you don’t have a boss sitting in the next office or working side by side with you. However, you do have clients to satisfy and guidelines to follow. We mention this to provide you with a more realistic view and not to make you believe that you can do whatever you want beyond what we have already mentioned above.

Where do I start if I want to make money online?

Making money through online writing is a goal that many people who enjoy writing aspire to achieve. However, sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start, not because it’s hard to find websites, but due to the overwhelming variety of offers available.

If you want to earn a salary as a copywriter writing articles from home, we recommend starting with some of the existing online platforms designed for this purpose. These platforms provide a good starting point to enter the world of online writing, where you can learn to meet deadlines, fulfill customers’ demands, and manage payments.

Online platforms for writing articles from home:

When you do a quick Google search, you will find numerous platforms seeking freelance copywriters to write articles for their clients. However, not all platforms are equally reliable or offer favorable conditions. To save you time, we have selected the most trustworthy ones:

Online platforms for writing articles from home

1. Publisuites: One of the best-known platforms where you can offer your services as a copywriter to various advertising companies. If you have a blog or website, you can also sell sponsored articles on your page.

2. We Are Content: This platform focuses not only on copywriting but also on other types of content such as images, videos, and audios. The operation is different here. To access a job, you must send a proposal containing 30% of the required text for the client to evaluate. You only get paid when the client selects you to complete the entire order.

3. Influenet: A platform for buying and selling sponsored articles. Although they don’t directly offer writing jobs, if you have a blog or website, you can earn money by writing sponsored posts with paid links.

4. Fiverr: This site is a classic and you might already be familiar with it. After registering, you need to create an ad in the “Writing and translation” section to receive offers from advertisers.

5. Muobo: Here, you’ll find advertisers looking for copywriters. You can browse through the different job offers and apply for the ones that interest you. Additionally, you can advertise yourself as a copywriter for a fee of 2 euros.

6. Textbroker: To join, you’ll need to submit a test text to be evaluated by their copywriters. Based on the evaluation, they will assign you a category that determines the payment for each article. As you submit more posts, they will continue to evaluate your work, allowing you to move up to higher categories and earn more.

7. TextMaster: This platform is more versatile as they offer writing services, proofreading, translation, content marketing, and more. Depending on your skills, you can choose from a wider variety of jobs.

8. Twago: You can have a free account or upgrade to a paid account with additional features. After registering, you’ll have to wait for orders to arrive and negotiate the payment method directly with the client.

9. Lowpost: This website is exclusively dedicated to online copywriting, not only in Spain but also in Latin America. After evaluating your proficiency, you’ll be assigned to a category with fixed prices, but you have the opportunity to move up. They also offer courses to help you improve your skills.

Each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages, so we recommend taking the time to thoroughly review the conditions of each one and determine which ones may interest you. Additionally, since registration is free, you can sign up for several platforms and see which one works best for you.

Earn money by writing on a blog

Another way to earn money is by writing articles on a blog or website. However, this requires some initial effort. Whether you want to offer your website on the platforms mentioned earlier or attract advertisers directly to purchase sponsored articles, your blog needs to be well-maintained and possess value and authority.

Additionally, having a blog opens up other avenues for earning money through writing online. One such option is through affiliate marketing. It’s important to note that simply placing an affiliate link is not enough; you must accompany it with persuasive and well-written text that convinces users to purchase the promoted product or service.

Earning money through online writing is not difficult, but it does require effort to achieve a proper salary. You will need to actively promote yourself and demonstrate the value you bring to the field. If you genuinely enjoy writing and put passion into it, the effort will be worthwhile and not feel burdensome.

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