In Zombie Tsunami, there are a ton of different upgrades and Buffs offered by the game, and if you are just starting out in the game, this can be very confusing. But don’t you worry, we will get you covered. In this article, we will teach you everything you need to know about All Power-Ups and Upgrades in Zombie Tsunami. So, Let’s begin,
Power-Ups and Upgrades in Zombie Tsunami with Tips and Tricks
Zombie Tsunami was developed and published by France-based company MOBIGAME, and with its engaging gameplay with user-friendly controls, it has attracted the interest of millions of players worldwide. Currently, the game has over 100+ million downloads on the play store and with an average rating of 4.3 stars.
The Power-Ups and Upgrades in Zombie Tsunami are like boosts that enhance or upgrade your Zombie’s ability in the game. In Zombie Tsunami, you can purchase the power-ups or objects from the store before the game begins, while you will get the upgrades by collecting the cubes during the run.
Power-Ups or Objects in Zombie Tsunami
Let’s start with the Power-ups first, You can buy the power-ups or objects at the beginning of the game, and it will give a temporary boost for the game, which will last for that run or upcoming 2-3 runs, depending on the type of power-ups.
The power-up gives you a temporary boost that will last for one match. So, Let’s begin with all the Power-Ups available in the game.
Lottery ticket- Lottery tickets are items that you can buy in the game using 1000 coins. The lottery ticket has the chance to get you amazing items like background images and even costumes.
Pack of Civilians- A pack of civilians in the game will give you additional four civilians at the beginning of each game, which will help you to have a headstart. You can buy the pack of civilian perks in the shop for 1000 coins.
Double Zombie- Double zombie perk allows you to have a double number of zombies at the start of each game. You can buy this perk for around 1000 coins in the game.
Bonus 10+ Seconds- This power-up will increase the duration by +10 seconds for each bonus you get in the game during the run. You can buy this power-up in the shop for around 1000 coins in the game.
Coins Bomb- This power-up has a 20% chance of changing a bomb to coins when hit. You can buy this power-up from the shop for 1000 coins in the game.
Coins Car- This power-up gives you a 20% chance of changing a moving vehicle to coins and costs about 1000 coins.
Pack of Civilians x3- This power-up gives you a pack of civilians at the beginning of three runs for each round. You can buy this power-up from the shop for 2500 coins in the game.
Double Zombie x3- Double zombie perk allows you to have a double number of zombies for three runs at the start of each game. You can buy this power-up from the shop for 2500 coins in the game.
Bonus 10+ Seconds x3- This power-up will increase the duration by +10 seconds for each bonus you get during any run for 3 games in a row. You can buy this power-up in the shop for around 2500 coins in the game.
Coins Bomb x5- This power-up has a 20% chance of changing a bomb to coins when hit for five games in a row. You can buy this power-up from the shop for 2000 coins in the game.
Coins Car x5- This power-up gives you a 20% chance of changing a moving vehicle to coins. This effect lasts for 5 games and costs about 1000 coins.
Skip Mission: Skip mission all costs 5000 coins for all the levels, so if you are ever looking to buy skip mission, we always recommend you to go with skip mission x3.
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Now, Let’s look at how the Upgrades work in Zombie Tsunami,
Upgrade In Zombie Tsunami
In the game, after you cross a certain distance, you will be given a cube that will help you power up into a special zombie. The special zombie or perk is completely random, and you cannot decide or know which random power-up you will get in the run. Now let’s have a look at all the upgrades available in the game in detail.
Zombie +1- This upgrade gives you a permanent + one zombie in the game.
Tsunami- This tsunami destroys everything in its path and carries your zombies surfing on it.
Ninja- The Ninja zombies are very fast and can slash through vehicles and throw ninja stars. These are very fun to play and might just become your favourite type of zombie.
GiantZ- The giant zombie shoots lasers through its seven eyes and destroys everything in its path.
Dragon- A dragon is a mighty form of zombie that can even fly and can destroy everything in its path with its fire breathing.
Quarterbacks- Quarterbacks are invincible zombies who topple and flip anything in their path.
Ballon Zombies- Ballon zombies can fly and glide easily through all the obstacles but be aware because they can be hard to control.
U.F.O.- U.F.O. perk keeps cloning the zombies, so you will have more of them while playing.
Golden Zombie- Golden Zombies are giants that can turn anything it touches into gold, so if you ever get this power-up, you will get a lot of coins.
Mecha Zombie- When this upgrade happens, your zombie transforms into a giant mecha, and its saw destroys everything in its path.
Rider Zombies- The Riders are like quarterbacks but have more power and speed than them. They topple and flip everything in their path, and at the same time, they are also immune to bombs and mines.
How to get Coins in the Zombie Tsunami?
Coins are very important in the game Zombie Tsunami as you can buy a lot of things using them, and they are essential when you are looking to buy power-ups and upgrades in the game, which will help you survive longer in your runs. Let’s learn how you can collect the coins in the game. Well, there are two ways that you can collect coins in the game.
The first way to earn coins in the game is to collect them in your runs or in your games. The coins are generated randomly throughout your run, and you can collect them by jumping or colliding with them. You can also use a buff called magnet which again you need to buy from the shop, which will allow you to attract coins to you, which will help you collect more coins.
Now the second way you get coins is by buying them from the shop for diamonds or real money. Well, if you are just starting out in the game, we wouldn’t recommend you to do so, but it is your choice whether you want to spend real money or not. The other way you can earn diamonds is by watching ads.
That is all for this article. I hope that you were able to learn everything about power-ups and upgrades in the Zombie Tsunami Game. If you have questions regarding this article, feel free to comment using the comment section below!
Download: Zombie Tsunami (Play Store)
Download: Zombie Tsunami (App Store)

I am a YouTuber, gamer, and a small community manager, and my youtube name is LightSan. I grew up playing CSGO and watching league of legends, and I got hooked up to mobile games from playing pubg mobile, mobile legends, and many fps games.