Wild Rift Ziggs Build Guide with Item Builds, Runes and Summoner Spells

In League of Legends Wild Rift, Ziggs is a control mage champion commonly played in a Mid Lane. Ziggs uses his abilities to clear minions, control team fights, Brust down enemies and escape the problematic situation. He primarily deals magic damage with his abilities and attacks and deals lots of damage with his ultimate as his ultimate can change the fate of the team fight in your favour. Ziggs is considered as an Easy to Play champion based on his abilities and playstyle.

In Wild Rift, Ziggs is considered as an A-tier pick for Mid lane based on his abilities and playstyle. In this guide, We will look at the Best Item Builds, Runes, Summoner Spells and Ability analysis for Ziggs, including tips and tricks we have found especially for you, which will help you master Ziggs quickly and easily. So whether you are a new player or just want to refine your skills on the Ziggs, we covered everything you need to master the Ziggs in the Wild Rift.

Wild Rift Ziggs Build Guide with Item Builds, Runes and Summoner Spells

Let’s start with Runes first, 

Best Runes for Ziggs in Wild Rift

Name Stats

aery wild rift


Poke, protect:

Your attack and abilities send arey to target. Damaging them or shielding allies.

Damage: (10-60) based on your level + 20% AD + 10% AP

Shield: (20-120) based on your level + 40% AD + 20% AP

Arey cannot be sent again until it returns to you.

Brutal rune 1


AD/AP, Penetration

Gain 7 AD and 2% armor penetration, or 14 AP and 2% Magic penetration (Adaptive). 

Second Wind

Second Wind

Heal after taking damage

Gains 6 Health every 5 seconds. 

After taking damage from an enemy champion regenerates 6 + (3% of your health) over the next 10 seconds. This effect is doubled for melee champions.

Sweet Tooth rune

Sweet Tooth

Honey fruit, Gold

Increases honey fruit healing by 25. Whenever you and your nearby ally eat a honey fruit gain 20 gold.

Note: You can also pick Electrocute instead of Arey and Manaflow Band instead of Sweet tooth if you want to play more aggressive, as you can easily poke enemies with electrocute combined with the Zigg’s Abilities.


electrocute wild rift


Manaflow Band rune

Manaflow band

Now, Let’s look at the Best Summoner Spells for Ziggs, 

Best Summoner Spells for Ziggs in Wild Rift

Name Stats
Flash 1


Flash undoubtedly the best spell for any champion you play. Flash is used to teleport your champion forward for any aimed direction. (Cooldown: 150 seconds)


Gain a shield that absorbs 115-465 (based on the level) damage for 2 seconds (Cooldown: 90 Seconds).

Now, Let’s start with the, Most essential and exciting part of this guide, “Best Item Builds for Ziggs in Wild Rift”,

Best Item Builds for Ziggs in Wild Rift

In Wild Rift, You can build multiple Items on Ziggs based on the enemy champion you are facing and your playstyle. For example, if you are playing against the enemy champion who has built lots of magic resistance, then building a Void staff would be a great choice. Similarly, if you are playing against the champion like Dr Mundo, Garen, Fiora, who heals a lot, then building Morellonomicon as your third or fourth item would be a great choice. Now, Let’s look at the Best Build used by the Ziggs mains,

1. Ziggs Item Build (Mid Lane) with Arey as your Keystone Rune:

Liandrys Anguish

Liandry’s Torment

infinity orb

Infinity Orb

Mercurys Treads

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Rabadons Deathcap

Rabadon’s Deathcap

Zhonyas Hourglass

Ionian Stasis Enchant

Void Staff

Void Staff



Stealth Ward


2. Ziggs Item Build (Mid Lane) with Electrocute as Your Keystone Rune:

Lurdens Tempest

Lurden’s Echo

Liandrys Anguish

Liandry’s Torment

Mercurys Treads

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Rabadons Deathcap

Rabadon’s Deathcap

Zhonyas Hourglass

Ionian Stasis Enchant

Void Staff

Void Staff



Stealth Ward


Now, Let’s start with the Ziggs Ability analysis with Attack Combos, 

Wild RIft Zigss Ability analysis with Best Attack Combos

Let’s start with the Ziggs Ability analysis first, as it will give us in-depth information about Ziggs ability so that you can create better attack combos quickly and easily. So, Let’s begin,

1. Short Fuse (Passive)

Ziggs Passive

Short Fuse

Enhances his next attack to deal an additional 20 magic damage (20 + 30% AP).

Short Fuse’s cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds when Ziggs cast an ability.

Deals 150% damage to structures.

2. Bouncing Bomb (First Ability)

Ziggs Q

Bouncing Bomb

Throws a bouncing bomb that deals 75 magic damage (75 + 65% AP).

Base Damage: 75/135/195/255

Mana Cost: 45/60/55/60

Cooldown: 7.5/6.5/5.5/4.5 Seconds

3. Satchel Charge (Second Ability)

Ziggs W

Satchel Charge

Flings an explosive charge that can be detonated within 4 seconds to deal 70 magic damage (70 + 50% AP) to enemies and knock them away. Ziggs also knocked away without taking damage. 

Damage turrets and demolishes them if they are below 20% Health. 

Base Damage: 70/115/160/205

HP% Damage: 20%/25%/30%/35%

Cooldown: 21/18/15/12 Seconds

4. Hexplosive Minefield (Third Ability)

Ziggs E

Hexplosive Minefield

Scatters proximity mines that deal 50 magic damage (50 + 75% AP) on contact and slow by 35% for 1.5 seconds.

Enemies detonating multiple mines take 40% damage from subsequent mines. Mines last 10 seconds.

Base Damage: 50/105/160/215

Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100

Slow: 35%/40%/45%/50%

5. Mega Inferno Bomb (Ultimate)

Ziggs R

Mega Inferno Bomb

Deploy the Mega inferno Bomb to deal 300 magic damage (300 + 105% AP). Enemies not in the center take 66.67% damage.

Base Damage: 300/450/600

Cooldown: 80/65/50

Now, Let’s look at the “Ziggs Ability Upgradation Path”,

Which Ziggs Ability I should Upgrade first?

In Wild Rift, when playing as a Ziggs, first unlock all three basic abilities. After that, start upgrading his Q to the max level, followed by his E and W. Don’t forget to unlock and upgrade his Ultimate whenever available.

Ziggs’s Ability Upgradation Path
Ziggs Q

Bouncing Bomb

1 4 6 7
Ziggs W

Satchel Charge

2 12 14 15
Ziggs E

Hexplosive Minefield

3 8 10 11
Ziggs R

Mega Inferno Bomb

5 9 13

Now, Let’s look at the Best Attack Combos for Ziggs, 

Best Attack Combos for Ziggs in Wild Rift

In Wild Rift, You can create multiple Attack combo with Ziggs based on the enemy champion you are facing and your playstyle. Let’s look at some amazing Attack combo used by Ziggs Main’s,

Combo 1 (with Ultimate):

E (Hexplosive Minefield) > Q (Bouncing Bomb) > W (Satchel Charge) > AA (Auto Attacks) > Q (Bouncing Bomb) > R (Mega Inferno Bomb)

You can use your ultimate R to secure the snipe enemies from the range as Zigg’s ultimate has a huge range and deals a massive amount of damage. 

Combo 2 (without Ultimate):

E (Hexplosive Minefield) > Q (Bouncing Bomb) > W (Satchel Charge) > AA (Auto Attacks) > Q (Bouncing Bomb)

Wild Rift Ziggs Counters









Twisted fate

Twisted Fate

Wild Rift Ziggs Gameplay Tips and Tricks

wild rift ziggs build guide

Early Game:

In Wild Rift, Ziggs’s early game is a little bit weak, but he excels very well in the mid to late game. So, in the early game, just focus on farming and poke the enemy from a safe distance with your abilities. Ziggs has insane poke capabilities in the wild rift, so use it wisely and force your enemies to miss their farm.

When you reach a level 5 and get your ultimate, then look for an opportunity to use it when enemies’ health is low. If you don’t find a good opportunity to use it, keep your eyes on the side lanes and use your ultimate to help your team.

Mid to Late Game:

In the Late game, When Ziggs has his core items and few kills under his belt, he deals a massive amount of damage with his abilities and ultimate. So, in the late game, constantly roam with your team and use your abilities to control the team fight.

Ziggs’s ultimate is very useful in the late game, so don’t use it before the objective fight. You can also use Ziggs’s ultimate to steal objectives from a distance.

For the latest Wild Rift updates, visit: wildrift.leagueoflegends.com

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