How To Farm 4 Star Gear in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds?

Do you want to have that shining 4- star weapon in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds? Then look no further as in this article, we will teach you every possible way to acquire your favourite weapon. So, Let’s begin with our guide on “How To Farm 4 Star Gear in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds?”,

How To Farm 4 Star Gear in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds?

Ni No Kuni is an MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) launched by Netmarble Inc. It was then published by Level 5, the original creators of the Ni No Kuni Franchise, on May 27th.

Since its release, the game has seen a massive increase in the player base. Like the other titles in the Ni No Kuni series, the cross worlds also feature two distinct worlds, the “Real-world” and the “Fantasy world”, where players will spend most of their time.

Equipment in Ni No Kuni Cross Words

The equipment system in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds is very straightforward, it goes from 1 to 6 stars. The more stars mean, the stronger, so having equipment with more stars and more levels is essential. Equipment and weapon play a significant role in increasing your CP (character power), so we recommend you to try and get more substantial equipment as soon as possible.

1. Gatcha Summons

Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds has a Gatcha system that allows players to summon equipment and familiars. The Gatcha system enables you to summon equipment and weapons by using diamonds or summoning scrolls which you can acquire by doing event missions. These summonses have a higher chance of dropping a 3 star, 4 star, and shinning 4 stars.

equpment summon

You can access the summons by first opening your menu, then tapping on the shop, and then tapping on the summons. We don’t recommend this method if you are a F2P player, as the gems can be hard to come by.

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2. Crafting Equipment

Crafting’s pity system is similar to the summons, the only difference being that you get a 3-star for 100 crafts and a guaranteed 4-star after 200 crafts. But the materials used for crafting are easy to acquire, so crafting is your go-to method of getting more potent weapons and equipment if you are a free-to-play player.


The materials used in crafting are Territte, weapons crystals, and weapon recipes. These materials can easily be gathered by farming in Chaos Fields or clearing monsters in the open world. You can acquire additional weapon recipes by doing your daily tasks every day.

3. Upgrading Equipment

You can also gather 4-star equipment by levelling them 2 star or 3-star weapons in your inventory. In ni no Kuni, you can add stars by first levelling them up all the way to level 30 and then upgrading them in the upgrade option.

To level up equipment, first, open your menu, then open the equipment option under it, click on polish, and then you should see the first option to level up. We recommend you to use the same elements upgrading material as it gives you extra upgrading value, you can use upgrade materials of different elements, but it’s not advised to do so.


After levelling it up to LVL 30, go to the upgrade option; you will need a weapon upgrade stone to upgrade your weapon or equipment to the next grade or star. After adding another star, the weapon gains extra attributes and damage. It also gains additional CP (Character power), which is always a good thing as this makes you even more robust.

We recommend you to use the 3-star weapon for this process as starting from 2-star or below will only waste your resources and upgrade materials.

That is it for this article. I hope you were able to learn everything that you needed about getting your 4-star weapon. To read more interesting facts about Ni No Kuni and to get the best tips and tricks, check out our other articles and leave a comment down below if you have any questions.

Download: Ni No Kuni Cross worlds (Play Store)

Download: Ni No Kuni Cross worlds (App Store)

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