King of Avalon Teleports Explained with How to use them?

In King of Avalon, Teleport transfers your city to a different kingdom of your choice. There are five types of Teleport present in King of Avalon: beginners Teleport, Alliance teleport, Advanced Teleport, Random Teleport, and Fortress Teleport. In this post, we will look at each Teleport available in King of Avalon and how to use them. So, Let’s begin,

King of Avalon Teleports Explained with Everything you need to know

King of Avalon Alliance

Let’s start with the beginner’s Teleport,

Beginners Teleport

You can use this Beginner’s Teleport to teleport your city to the kingdom of your choice. But, you can only use beginners teleport if your city and stronghold are under level 5 and you have registered it within the last five days.

How to use Beginner’s Teleport:

To use Beginner’s Teleport, enter the kingdom of your choice and tap on any location in the kingdom where you want to teleport your city. Now, tap on the teleport button, and it will move your city to the desired location on the kingdom map. You cannot use beginners teleport if your account is more than 5 days old or if you are part of any alliance.

Alliance Teleport

As per the name, you have to be part of an alliance to use the alliance teleport. Alliance teleport can teleport your city to near the alliance leaders city.

How to use Alliance teleport:

To use it, tap on the Alliance teleport in your inventory and tap on use. Now, the system will search for the nearest location near the alliance fortress, and if there is no fortress, then a location nearest to the alliance leader’s city will be chosen. Once it found the location, hit Teleport to move your city to that location.

Your alliance leader can also send you a teleport invitation. But, the teleport invitation does not mean you can teleport for free as you will still need a teleport item or gold to accept the invitation and teleport your city. Alliance teleport does not allow you to select the location, and you cannot use beginner’s Teleport or random Teleport to move your city inside the alliance’s territory.

Random Teleport

Random Teleport can teleport your city to a random location on the kingdom map. Random Teleport cannot teleport your city inside the alliance territory.

How to use Random Teleport:

To use the random Teleport, tap on the random Teleport in your inventory and then tap on the Teleport, and it will teleport your city to a random location on the kingdom. 

Advanced Teleport

Advanced Teleport can teleport your city to the desired location on the map. You can use advanced Teleport to move your city to any location on the kingdom location. 

How to use Advanced Teleport:

Tap on the advanced Teleport in your inventory and then drag your city to any desired location on the city. You will need at least 4 green titles to teleport your city to that location. If you have 4 green titles on any location you want to teleport your city, then press the teleport button to move your city to that location. 

Fortress Teleport

Fortress teleport can teleport your city near the alliance fortress. You can get alliance teleport from the Alliance store. 

How to use Fortress Teleport: 

Select the fortress Teleport in your inventory. Now, the system will automatically select the available location near your alliance fortress. If there is no alliance fortress, then it will select the location closest to the alliance leader’s city. Once it found the location, tap on the Teleport to move your city to that location. Fortress Teleport is very similar to an Alliance teleport. 

Relevant Reads: 

That’s it for this post. If you have any questions or feedback regarding this post, then feel free to use the comment section below. 

Download: King of Avalon

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