Azur Lane Equipment Guide with Tier List

If you get confused by the list of various equipment available in Azur Lane and struggle to pick the right equipment, then don’t worry, as we have created the complete equipment for Azur Lane with the Tier List so you can pick the best equipment based on your requirement. So, let’s begin, 

Azur Lane Equipment Guide with Tier List

There are multiple types of Guns and Equipment available in Azur Lane. So, Let’s look at each one of them in detail and which one you should use in each category. So, Let’s begin,

1. Destroyer Guns – Tier List 

Tier – ASingle 138.6
Tier – BSingle 133, Twin 120, Twin 128, Twin 114, Twin 130
Tier – CTwin 100, Twin 127
Special 76mm AA

Currently, only nine DD weapons are available in Azur Lane. The Single 138.6mm can be considered the best gun with the highest damage, as shown in the list above, and the guns can be found in the War Archive Iris Event. 

Azur lane- complete equipement guide- destroyer

All the guns in Tier B can deal the same amount of damage, but the Twin 128 can be regarded as Special because it is the only AP/ DD gun made specifically for German ships. The Single 133 is the inferior version of the Single 138.6.

Tier-C – weapons should only be used as a last resort when no higher-tier weapon is available. 

The Twin 100 is a gun that can be very helpful on Kitakaze. The 76mm AA Gun is also known to be the fastest gun available in Azur Lane, which is very helpful on ships that have the skills necessary to activate Eldrige or Ayanami. 

2. Torpedoes – Tier List

Tier – Rare533mm Quint Mag (6Star)
Tier – A610 Quad Kai, 533mm Quint MK17, 533mm Quint MKIX
Tier – B610 Quad, 533mm Quint
Tier – C533mm Quad Mag, 533mm Quint Mag

There are two different kinds of torpedoes in this game: one that moves directly toward its target and the other that does not. The strongest torpedo is the 6-Star Mag Torpedo which falls in the Rare Tier, and they can be crafted in research along with the 53mm. You can use the Tier A weapons for autoplay, and the 610 can be used for manual play. The 533mm Quint MKIX is seen to have a special firing pattern where all the torpedoes attack in a straight line.

Azur lane- complete equipement guide- torpedo

We still advise new players to choose Tier B and Tier C weapons even though there isn’t much noteworthy or special about them because they are easy to find in boxes. 

3. Submarine Torpedoes – Tier List 

Tier – RareMark 20 “Bidder”
Tier – AG7e Acoustic
Tier – BType 96, Mark 12, Mark 28
Tier – CType 95, Mark 16

The Mark 20 “Bidder” is regarded as the best weapon of its tier, as you can see in the list above, but it is also very challenging to craft in research. And if you can’t find it, we advise sticking with the G7e since its blueprints are easy to find in regular missions or research. 

The other available torpedoes in the tier list are suitable but not favourable, so it does not worth spending the resources on them, especially Tier B guns.

4. Light Cruiser Guns – Tier List 

Tier – ATriple 152 B-38, Triple 152 Model 1934
Tier – BTriple 152 MKXXV, Triple 152 DPMK17
Tier – CSingle 150, Twin 150, Triple 155, Triple 152 MK16

The guns listed in Tier A are considered the best in this list, but they are very hard to obtain since they are all event exclusives. You can obtain the guns in Tier B through PR 1 and 2. Getting these guns becomes relatively easy if you spend enough time playing the game.

Azur lane- complete equipement guide- light crusier guns

Now when it comes to the C tier Gun, except for the Triple 152 MK16, they are found in boxes and can be obtained just by opening them. To get the Triple 152 MK16, you have to grind in the research.

Ships with Procs capabilities can use the single 150, which is regarded as the fastest CL gun. Likewise, the same equipment priority rules apply when equipping CL guns on any other ship classes. 

5. Heavy Cruiser Guns – Tier List

Tier – RareTriple 234 (6 Star)
Tier – ATriple 203 SKC34, Twin 234, Twin 203 MLE 1924
Tier – BTriple 203 MK15, Triple 203 AA, Triple 203 MKIX, Triple 203 Model 1927
Tier – CTwin 203 SKC, Prototype No.3 Naval Gun
SpecialTriple 310mm Type 0

You can only craft the rare-tier gun Triple 234 cruiser in the P23 research sector. Some of the tier-A guns can also be found in the research sector, like the Triple 203 SKC34 (very strong AP damage), the Twin 203 MLE, one of the best HE guns, and the Twin 234 with the cannon modifier ammo.

The tier B and tier C weapons are very similar to each other in terms of raw power. If you are starting out in the game, we highly recommend using the tier B guns or purple guns you can find.

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6. Battleship/ BattleCruiser Guns – Tier List

When using BB guns, there is a specific rule known as the “Rule Of Thumb.” Here, double is for triggering the barrage, and triple is for damage. 

Tier RareTwin 457, Triple 406MK7
Tier – A (Damage)Triple 406/50, 406MKD, 406MK6, Triple 406 1940, Triple 410
Tier – A (Barrage)Twin 380, Triple 305 SKC, Twin 381, 406SKC
Tier – B (Damage)Triple 381 1934, Triple 381
Tier – B (Barrage)Twin 410
SpecialQuadruple 356 (King George V), Triple 305 M1907 (Gangut), Quadruple 380 (Jean Bart), Triple 406 (Massachusett, Gascogne Muse)
UselessTwin 410 Type 3 

The guns that you will find on the Rare Tier can only be obtained through research, and out of all these weapons, the prototype Triple 410 is the easiest to acquire for AP damage, and the triple 406 MK6 is the easiest to obtain for HE damage.

The fastest gun in the list of Barrage guns is the Triple 305 SKC, which can be obtained from the PR 3, and the easiest gun to obtain are the Twin 380 for the AP Variant and the Twin 410 Purple.

7. Aircraft Carrier Fighter – Tier List

Tier – RareF7F, Sea Hornet
Tier – ASeafang, Sea Fury, F6F, F4U, A7M, BF-109G, Kawanishi
Tier – BType 0, Seafire, F8F
Tier – CF2A, Me155-A

With two 1000 lb. bombs, Tier EX boasts the most damaging weapons. The two most potent weapons in Tier 1, the F4U and BF-109 G, provide roughly equal amounts of damage. 

If you are a new gamer, keep playing the F6F or Seafang until you get the weapon from the rare tier. Outside of adjusting the airstrike pace, Tiers 2 and 3 are useless. When you have enough core information cubes, stock up on F4Us because they are the most affordable fighters for players on a tight budget.

8. Aircraft Carrier Dive Bomber – Tier List

Tier – AHelldriver, XSB3C-1, SB2C
Tier – BBTD-1
Tier – CSuisei, Suisei 12A, Firefly, SBD, Barracuda 831
Tier – DSuisei Model 21 (for BBV)

The best DB in the game is the SB2C Helldriver, so if you decide to keep it as your favourite weapon, then it is a great choice. The Helldriver is also relatively easy to find since you can obtain it through both chests and map drops. The difference between SB2C Helldriver and the XSB3C-1 is that after getting upgraded to a higher tier. The XSB3C-1 performs slightly better but requires a significant amount of resources.

If you are planning on using any of the Tier C guns outside of the airstrike speed adjustment, then we highly recommend against it. And while it is worth using the Tier B BTD-1 sometimes, the Suisei Model 21 is the best gun to use for aircraft battleships.

9. Aircraft Carrier Torpedo Bomber – Tier List

Tier – RareWyvern
Tier – ASwordfish (Slow), XTB2D (Normal), Ju-87, Aichi ( Converging)
Tier – BTBM Avenger, Firecrest, Blackburn, Barracuda
Tier – CTBD Devastator, Saiun Kai

In general, new players should only use the Barracuda and the Aichi B7A. These two planes are much simpler to obtain, even though the possibilities of obtaining the other planes are slightly superior. The Wyvern, in particular, is one of the most resource-intensive Siren operations planes.

10. Auxiliaries + AA Guns List


Tier – ABeaver Squad Tag, High Standard Fire Control Radar, High-Performance Hydraulic Steering Gear
Tier – BType 93 Pure Oxygen, Steam Catapult, Type 1 AP Shell, Super Heavy Shell
Tier – CRepair Toolkit, High-Performance Air Radar

In general, there are so many auxiliary services in Azur Lane that naming them all would take all day. The general rule is that frontline tanking ships, such as heavy and light cruisers, destroyers with HP, carriers with Steam Catapult, and battleships with White and Black Shell + Radar, should be outfitted with evasion tools.

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You can employ any combination of the Improved Snorkel, Pressure Resistant Hull Design, and the Type 93 Improved Oxygen Torpedo for submarines.

PVP Auxiliaries 

In Azur Lane, there are a lot of auxiliaries that only function in exercise or PVP mode. You can unlock them in the Memento Section. These items offer good stats overall and ought to be unlocked as soon as feasible.

Anti Sub Gears

Despite the fact that depth charges can currently be fired by all light cruisers and destroyers, having the Improved Depth Charge Projector would still be beneficial (even its blue version is passable). SOS missions and weekly submarine missions can provide blueprints for creating them. All you need are the depth charges; you don’t even need the sonars.

AA Guns

It is not necessary to list every AA gun in Azur Lane because the majority of them are interchangeable. The sextuple 40mm BOFOR from PR3 and the twin 113mm are the best. For gun-based destroyers like the Z23, the Twin 134mm is useful since it adds 15 FP, which these units desperately need.

Battleships benefit most from the usage of the Twin 40mm Bofor and Twin 40mm Hazemayer because they get an additional 15 and 5 hits, a stat that battleships desperately need.


We hope that you liked our Azur Lane Equipment Guide with Tier List article, and hopefully, through the information provided in this article, you were able to learn everything that you need to know about equipment in the Azur Lane and which one you should use. 

That is all for this article; if you have questions regarding this article, feel free to comment using the comment section below. You can also follow us on our Facebook Page, and Twitter handle for the latest updates about games. 

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