Wild Rift Physical item Guide with Stats Explained

Wild Rift Physical Item guide:

Physical items are primarily used by a Marksman and AD Carry champions. Physical items help to increase attack damage and attack speed. So if you are playing as a jungler or AD carry then building physical items first will help you a lot in an early game.

Wild Rift Top tier Physical items stats explained:

1. Bloodthirster


Cost: 3400


+65 Attack Damage


Bloody: 15% Physical Vamp

Bloodsworn: Physical vamp over heals you and generate the shield that absorbs 40-320 damage. The Shield will decay if you are out of combat for over 10 seconds

2. Statikk Shiv

statikk shiv

Cost: 2600


+25% critical Strike

+35% Attack Speed


+5% Movement Speed

Shiv Lighting: Energized attack bounce up to 5 nearby enemies and can hit each critically

Energized: Moving and attacking generates the energy stacks. At max stack, your next basic attack deals 50-120 bonus magic damage and activates all energized effects

3. Blade of the ruined King

blade of the ruined king

Cost: 3100


+20 Attack Damage

+30% Attack Speed


Thirst: +10% Physical Vamp

Drain: Hitting a Champion with 3 attacks or abilities deals 30-100 magic damage and steals 25% of their movement speed for 3 seconds. (cooldown: 60 seconds)

Ruined Strike: Attack deals a bonus physical damage equal to 6% to the enemy’s missing physical health. Deals at least 15 damage against monsters and 60 at the max level. (Max hero level)

4. Rapid Firecannon

rapid firecannon

Cost: 2800


+25% critical rate

+35% Attack Speed


Hunter’s swiftness: +5% movement speed

Drain: Hitting a champion with 3 attack or abilities deals 30-100 magic damage and steals 25% of their movement speed for 3 seconds. (cooldown: 60 seconds)

5. Runaan’s Hurricane

runaans hurricane

Cost: 2800


+25% critical rate

+45% attack speed


Wind fury: attacks strike the nearby enemies and deals 40% damage. These strikes can hit critically and can trigger the on-hit effect.

Note: Can only be purchased with the ranged champions.

6. Youmuus’s Ghostblade

youmuus ghostblade

Cost: 3000


+50 Attack Damage

+10% Cooldown Reduction


Slice: 10% Armor Penetration

Momentum: Moving build momentum, grants a max 50 movement speed at 100 stack. When you attack, it will expend all momentum to deal bonus magic damage equal to the number of stacks of movement speed. Momentum decays while movement is impaired.

7. Duskblade of draktharr

duskblade of draktharr

Cost: 3000


+50 Attack Damage

+10% Cooldown Reduction


Razor: +15 Armor Penetration

Nightstalker: If you are unseen by an enemy champion for 1 second, your next basic attack against that champion will 20-125 physical damage and slow them down by 99% for 0.25 seconds. Buff lasts for 5 seconds, and ranged attacks do not slow down the enemy champion.

8. Infinity Edge

infinity edge

Cost: 3400


+60 Attack Damage

+25% Critical Rate


Infinity: Critical Strikes deals 230% damage instead of 200%

9. Mortal Reminder

mortal reminder

Cost: 2650


+45 Attack Damage


Last Whisper: +35% armor penetration

Executioner’s calling: Physical damage will give grievous wound to enemy champion for 5 seconds.

The grievous wound is a debuff that reduces all healing effects by 40%.

10. Black Cleaver

black cleaver

Cost: 3000


+350 Max health

+30 Attack Damage

+ 20% Cooldown Reduction


Sunder: Dealing physical damage to a champion reduces their Armor by 4% for 6 seconds, it can stack up to 6 times for 24% reduction.

Rage: Attack grant 20 movement speed, and kill grants 60 movement speed for 2 seconds. Ranged champions gain halved values.

11. Manamune


Cost: 2700


+25 Attack Speed

+300 Max mana

+10% Cooldown reduction


Awe: Grants bonus attack damage equal to the 1% of the max mana. Refunds 15% of the mana spent.

Mana Charge: Grants a charge every four seconds, up to 3 charges. Each basic attack hit or mana expenditure consumes a charge and grants +8 man up to a maximum of 700 mana.

Limited to 1 Awe item.

Transform into Muramana at +700 mana.


12. Muramana


Cost: 2700


+25 Attack speed

+1000 Max mana

+10% cooldown reduction


Awe: Grants bonus attack damage equal to the 1% of max mana. Refunds 15% of mana spent.

Shock: A basic attack against an enemy champion consumes 3% of current mana and deals the bonus physical damage worth 6% of current mana. This effect activates when you have more than 20% of maximum mana.

Limites to a 1 Awe item.

13. Trinity Force

trinity force

Cost: 3733


+200 Max health

+20 Attack damage

+40% attack speed

+300 max mana

+20% cooldown reduction


Fervor: +5% Movement Speed

Spellblade: After using the ability the next basic attack within the next 10 seconds deals bonus physical damage equal to 200% of base damage.

Rage: Attack grants 20 movement speed and kills grants 60 movement speed for 2 seconds. Ranged champions gain halved values.

14. Maw of Malmortius

maw of malmortius

Cost: 3300


+45 Attack Damage

+35 Magic resistance

+10% Cooldown Reduction


Lifeline: Magic damage that reduces your health to 35%, generates the shields that absorb 350 magic damage for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 Seconds)

Lifegrip: Triggering lifeline grants you +30 attack damage. 10% physical vamp and 10% magical Vamp until you exist the combat.

15. Death’s Dance

deaths dance

Cost: 3000


+300 Max Health

+35 Attack Damage

+10% cooldown reduction


Dance: +10% physical vamp

cauterize: 30% of damage taken is dealt as a bleed effect over 3 seconds.

16. Phantom Dancer

phantom dancer

Cost: 2800


+25% Critical Rate

+45% Attack speed


Spectral waltz: +5% Movement Speed

Lifeline: If you take the damage that reduces your health below 35%, it will generate the shield that absorbs 240-590 (Depending on the champion level) damage for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds )

17. Umbral Glaive

umbral glaive

Cost: 2800


+50 Attack Damage

+10% Cooldown Reduction


Sabotage: +10% Armor penetration.

Blackout: When you get spotted by enemy wards or traps, this will grant you 8 seconds blackout by disabling nearby wards and traps and even expose nearby hidden wards and traps. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)

Wild Rift Physical Item Guide:

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Wild Rift mid-tier physical items stats explained:

1. Vampiric Scepter

vampiric scepter

Cost: 1200


+20 Attack Damage

+10% Physical vamp

No special effects

2. Zeal


Cost: 1300


+10% Critical Rate

+15% Attack speed


Fervor: +5% Movement speed

3. Kirchels Shard

kircheis shard

Cost: 900


+20% Attack Speed


Energized: Moving and attacking generates energy stack. At max stack, your next attack deals 50-120 bonus magic damage and activate all energized effects.

4. Serrated Dirk

serrated dirk

Cost: 1000


+20 Attack Damage


sharp: +10 armor penetration

5. Recurve Bow

recurve bow

Cost: 900


+30% attack speed

No special effects

6. B.F Sword

b. f. sword

Cost: 1500


+40 Attack Damage

No special effects

7. Cloak of Agility

cloak of agility

Cost: 1000


+20% Critical Rate

No special effects

8. Last whisper

last whisper

Cost: 1300


+15 Attack damage


Last Whisper: +20% armor penetration

9. Executioner’s calling

executioners calling

Cost: 1000


+20 Attack damage


Executioner’s calling: Physical damage applies grievous wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds.

10. Phage


Cost: 1100


+175 Max health

+15 Attack Damage


Rage: Attack grant 20 movement speed and kills grants 60 movement speed for 2 seconds. bonuses do not stack. The ranged champion will gain halved values.

11. Stinger


Cost: 1200


+30% attack speed

+10% Critical damage

No special effects

12. Hexdrinker

Cost: 1300


+20 Attack Damage

+35 magic resistance


Lifeline: Magic damage that drops your health to 35% or below will generate a shield that absorbs 350 magic damage for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)

13. Caulfields Warhammer

caulfields warhammer

Cost: 1200


+25 Attack Damage

+10% Cooldown Reduction

No special effects

Wild rift low-tier physical items stats explained:

1. Long sword

long sword

Cost: 500


+12 Attack Damage

2. Brawler’s Gloves

brawlers gloves

Cost: 500


+10 Critical Rate

3. Dagger


Cost: 500


+15% Attack Speed

What is Attack Damage in Wild Rift?

Attack Damage (AD) is a stat that indicates physical damage. If you buy items which increase your attack damage, then you can do more physical damage to your enemy champions. AD items boost the power of your basic attack and skills. Attack damage is significant for champions like marksman and fighter as they deal their most of the damage using the auto-attacks. 

wild rift physical item guide

Attack damage really on several modifiers like,

  1. Armor penetration
  2. Attack Speed
  3. Attack range 
  4. Critical Strike Damage and Critical Rate 
  5. Physical Vamp

1. Armor penetration

Armor penetration is must to kill tanky enemy champions. Armor Penetration increases the effect of your AD-based skills or attack as it negates a portion of the target’s armor and deals damage. This modifier is extremely effective against the n champion who protect their health bar inside the armor. 

2. Attack Speed

Attack speed is one of the great and must have a modifier as you can take down enemy champion easily with extra attack speed. The champions that rely on their auto-attack for their primary source damage like marksman and fighter should build the items that increase the attack speed. 

3. Attack Range 

Attack Range is a distance how long you can hit an enemy champion. This stats is beneficial for Champion which already have long-range auto attacks so that they can deal with damage for the safe distance. 

4. Critical Strike Damage and Critical Rate

Critical Strike Damage and Critical rate are significant for the champions which use auto-attacks as their primary source of damage. Every Champion in the wild rift starts with the 0 critical strike rate unless they buy the item for that. Critical Strike deals more damage compared to the base damage.

5. Physical vamp 

Physical vamp- is most commonly known as Lifesteal. It allows you to restore the health based on the attack damage you dealt on the enemy champion. Physical vamp only works with auto-attacks and the skills that provide the on-hit effect.

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