In League of Legends Wild Rift, Renekton is a diver champion and commonly played in a Baron Lane. Renekton primarily deals physical damage with his abilities and auto-attacks. Renekton considered as an Easy to Play champion based on his abilities and playstyle.

In Wild Rift, Renekton is considered as an A-tier pick for baron lane. In this guide, we look at the Best Item Builds, Runes, Summoners spells, and Abilities analysis for Renekton, including some gameplay tips and tricks that will help you to improve your Renekton gameplay quicker. Whether your a new player or want to refine your skills on Renekton, we have covered everything you need to know about Renekton.

Wild Rift Renekton Guide with Item Builds, Runes and Summoners Spells

Let’s start with the Runes first, 

Best Runes for Renekton in Wild Rift

Name Stats
conqueror wild rift 1


Gain Stacks of adaptive force when hitting a champion with a separate attack or abilities. It stacks up to 5 times. When fully stacked, deals bonus adaptive damage to and champion.

Per Stack: (2-6) bonus AD or (3-9) AP for 6 seconds.

Fully Stacked Bonus: Melee: 10% Ranged: 7% Bonus adaptive damage to champions.

Brutal rune 1


AD/AP, Penetration

Gain 7 AD and 2% armor penetration, or 14 AP and 2% Magic penetration (Adaptive). 

Backbone rune 1



Gain 10 AR or 10 MR based on whichever stat you have less of.

Pack Hunter rune

Pack Hunter

Mobility, Team Gold

While near an ally champion gain 2% movement speed. For each unique ally, you participate in takedown with you gain 50 gold and ally gain 50 gold. 

Now, Let’s look at the Summoners Spells for Renekton, 

Best Summoners Spells for Renekton in Wild Rift

Name Stats
Flash 1


Flash undoubtedly the best spell for any champion you play. Flash is used to teleport your champion forward for any aimed direction. (Cooldown: 150 seconds)


Ignites target enemy champion, dealing (60-410) true damage based on the champion level over 5 seconds and inflicting them with grievous wounds. Grievous wounds reduce healing effects by 50%.

Now, Let’s start with the most important part of this guide, “Best Item Builds for Renekton”, 

Best Item Builds for Renekton in Wild Rift

In Wild Rift, Renekton is a diver champion commonly played in a baron lane. You can build various items with Renekton based on your playstyle and the enemy champion you are facing. We have found Best Item Builds for Renekton against various champions. So, Let’s begin,

1. Renekton Item Build (Baron Lane)

Blade of the Ruined King

Blade of the Ruined King

Black Cleaver

Black Cleaver

gluttonous greaves

Gluttonous Greaves

Streaks Gage

Sterak’s Gage

Deaths Dance

Death’s Dance

teleport enchant

Teleport Enchant

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel

Stealth Ward


2. Renekton Item Build vs AP Champions

Blade of the Ruined King

Blade of the Ruined King

Black Cleaver

Black Cleaver

gluttonous greaves

Gluttonous Greaves

Maw of Malmortious

Maw of Malmortius

Abyssal Mask

Abyssal Mask

teleport enchant

Teleport Enchant

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel

Stealth Ward


3. Renekton Item Build vs AD Champions

Blade of the Ruined King

Blade of the Ruined King

Black Cleaver

Black Cleaver

gluttonous greaves

Gluttonous Greave

Streaks Gage

Sterak’s Gage



Hextech Rockbelt

Protobelt Enchant

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel

Stealth Ward


4. Renekton Item Build vs Tanks

Blade of the Ruined King

Blade of the Ruined King

Black Cleaver

Black Cleaver

gluttonous greaves

Gluttonous Greaves

Streaks Gage

Sterak’s Gage

Mortal Reminder

Mortal Reminder

teleport enchant

Teleport Enchant

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel

Stealth Ward


Now, Let’s look at Renekton’s Ability Analysis with Best Attack Combos, 

Wild Rift Renekton’s Ability Analysis with Best Attack Combos

Let’s begin with the ability analysis first, as it will help you understand Renekton’s abilities and attack combos more easily.

Wild Rift Renekton Ability Analysis

1. Reign of Anger (Passive)
Renekton Passive

Reign of Anger

Casting abilities with 50 Furry or more consume that Furry enhanced effects.

Enhanced abilities do not generate furry.

Attacks generate 5 Furry. Furry gains are increased by 50% when under 50% health. Out of combat, 4 furry dissipates every second.

2. Cull the Mask (First Ability)
Renekton Q

Cull the Mask

Deal 60 physical damage (60 + 80% bonus AD) to nearby enemies generating 5 furry and healing 4 per enemy unit. 

Regin of Anger: Damage Increase to 90 Physical damage (90 + 120% bonus physical damage) and healing is tripled. 

Base  Damage: 60/110/160/210

Heal: 4/6/8/10

Empowered Damage: 90/165/240/315

Cooldown: 8 Second

3. Ruthless Predator (Second Ability)
Renekton W

Ruthless Predator

Empowers the next attack to strike twice, stunning for 0.75 seconds and dealing 174 physical damage (30 + 225% AD). 

Regin of Anger: Strikes three times, stunning for 1.5 seconds and dealing 174 physical damage (30 + 225% AD). 

Base Damage: 20/40/60/80

Empowered Damage: 30/60/90/120

Cooldown: 12/11/10/9 Second

4. Slice (Third Ability)
Renekton E


Dash in direction, dealing 40 physical damage (40 + 90% bonus AD) and generating 5 Fury for each enemy passed through. Hitting an enemy grants a second dash to cast within 4 seconds. 

Regin of Anger: The second dash now deals 70 physical damage (70 + 135% bonus AD) and shreds armor by 25% for 4 seconds. 

Base Damage: 40/80/120/160

Empowered Damage: 70/130/190/250

Armor reduction: 25%/30%/35%/40%

Cooldown: 17/16/15/14 Second

5. Dominus (Ultimate)
Renekton R


Gain 20 Fury and 250 Health for 15 seconds. Every second after casting, gain 5 Fury and deal 40 magic damage (40 + 20% AP) to nearby enemies. 

HP: 250/500/750

Base Damage: 40/80/120

Cooldown: 90 Second

Now, Let’s look at which Renekton ability you should upgrade first,

Which Renekton Ability I should upgrade first? 

In Wild Rift, When upgrading Renekton’s ability, first unlock all three basic abilities, then start upgrading his Q (Cull the Meek) to the max level. After the Q, upgrade E (Ruthless Predator) to the max level, followed by his W (Slice and Dice).

Note: Don’t forget to unlock and upgrade his ultimate whenever available. 

Renekton’s Ability Upgradation Path
Renekton Q

Cull the Mask

1 4 6 7
Renekton W

Ruthless Predator

2 12 14 15
Renekton E


3 8 10 11
Renekton R


5 9 13

Now, as you know, Renekton’s Abilities and which ability you should upgrade first. Let’s look at the some Best attack combos you can use with Renekton,

Best Attack Combo for Renekton in Wild Rift

In League of Legends Wild Rift, You can perform various attack combos based on your playstyle and the enemy champion you are facing. So, Let’s look at some basic and effective attack combos you can use with Renekton,

Basic Attack Combo for poke (>50% Fury): 

E (Third Ability) > basic attacks > E (Third Ability) > Basic Attacks > E (Third Ability) > W (Second Ability) > Q (First Ability). 

Attack Combo with Ultimate: 

E (Third Ability) > basic attacks > E (Third Ability) > Basic Attacks > E (Third Ability) > R (Ultimate) >W (Second Ability) > Q (First Ability). 

It will look like as you are going to poke the enemy and surprise them by casting your ultimate in Mid-Fight.

Wild Rift Renekton’s Counters











Wild Rift Renekton Gameplay Tips and Tricks


wild rift renekton guide

Early Game: 

In Wild Rift, Renekton can 1v1 most of the champions on level 1. When playing Renekton in a Baron lane, you can try to engage enemy champion with your level 2 power spike. When Renekton reaches level 2, you can use your E and Q combo to poke the enemy champion and safely get out. You can try to go all-in on level three if the enemy champion has not used his honey fruit after the level 2 poke. Suppose the enemy champion has not used healing after the level 2 poke use ignites and your combo to take him down, and you can even use your flash to secure the kill in the early game.

If your team is marginally ahead and if they can win dragon fight without then stay in the lane, try to take the first turret while the enemy laner is gone for dragon (Do this only if your team does not require at the dragon fight).

Late Game: 

In the late game, you can either split push or join your team in a team fight depending on your playstyle and your team. You should buy teleport enchant boots if you select to do a split pushing.

If your split pushing in the late game, always be aware of the map as a whole enemy team can gank you, or your team can commit an all-in fight without you. If you see your team or enemy team engaging in a fight, then instantly use your teleport as your presence can change the fate of the fight.

Frequently Asked Questions about Renekton

Which lane should I play as a Renekton?

In Wild Rift, Renekton is a Diver champion commonly played in Baron Lane. You can also play Renekton in a Jungle (Not recommended).

How good is Renekton in Wild Rift?

In Wild Rift, Renekton is considered as an A-tier pick for Baron Lane.

Which Abilities I should upgrade first when playing as a Renekton?

When playing as Renekton, upgrade your Q to the max level, followed by his E and W. Don't forget to unlock and upgrade ultimate whenever available.

Which Runes should I use with Renekton?

The Best runes for Renekton are Conqueror, Brutal, Hunter Genius, and Pack Hunter.

Wild Rift Other Champions Guide: 

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For the latest Wild Rift updates, visit: wildrift.leagueoflegends.com

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