Wild Rift Twisted Fate Build Guide with item build, Runes and Summoner Spells

In League of Legends Wild Rift, Twisted Fate is Brust Mage champion commonly played in a Mid lane and Dragon lane (AD Carry). Twisted Fate uses his abilities to Clear minions, Control Teamfights, Brust down enemies, and almost global teleport. He primarily deals magic damage with his attack and abilities and can deal lots of damage with his attack combos. Twisted Fate is considered as a “Moderately Difficult to Play Champion” based on his abilities and playstyle.

In Wild Rift, Twisted Fate is considered as an A-tier pick for Mid lane. In this post, We will look at the Best Item Builds, Runes, Summoner Spells, and Ability analysis for Twisted Fate, including some Tips and Tricks we have found especially for you, which will help you to master Twisted Fate quickly. So whether you are a new player or just want to refine your skills on Twisted Fate, we have covered everything you need for your journey to master Twisted Fate.

Wild Rift Twisted Fate Build Guide with Item Build, Runes and Summoner Spells

Let’s begin with the Runes first, 

Best Runes for Twisted Fate in Wild Rift

Name Stats

electrocute wild rift


Burst Damage: 

Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities in 3s deals bonus damage (adaptive).

damage: (30-184) based on level + 40% AD + 25% AP

Cooldown: 25 Seconds

Brutal rune 1


AD/AP, Penetration

Gain 7 AD and 2% armor penetration, or 14 AP and 2% Magic penetration (Adaptive). 

Backbone rune 1

Adaptive Carapace

Health, AR/ MR

Gain 50 Health. While below 50 health, gain 12 AR or MR based on the damage type you took more over the last 60 seconds (Physical damage grants AR, Magic damage grants MR). 

Sweet Tooth rune

Sweet Tooth

Honey fruit, Gold

Increases honey fruit healing by 25. Whenever you and your nearby ally eat a honey fruit gain 20 gold.

Note: You can also use Bone Plating instead of Adaptive Carapace if you want to play aggressively and if you want to play Twisted Fate as an AD Carry then you can also pick Conqueror instead of Electrocute.

Bone Plating

Bone Plating


conqueror wild rift 1



Now, Let’s look at the Best Summoner Spells for Twisted Fate, 

Best Summoners Spells for Twisted Fate

Name Stats


Ignites target enemy champion, dealing (60-410) true damage based on the champion level over 5 seconds and inflicting them with grievous wounds. Grievous wounds reduce healing effects by 50%.
Flash 1


Flash undoubtedly the best spell for any champion you play. Flash is used to teleport your champion forward for any aimed direction. (Cooldown: 150 seconds)

Note: You can also pick Barrier instead of Ignite if you want to play twisted fate as AD Carry.



Now, It’s time to start with the Most Important and Exciting part of this Guide, “Best Item Builds for Twisted Fate”,

Best Item Builds for Twisted Fate in Wild Rift

In Wild Rift, You can build various items on Twisted Fate based on the enemy champion you are facing and your playstyle. For Example, If you are playing against assassin champions like Akali, Zed, and Fizz, then building a Stasis enchant as your third or fourth would be a great choice as it helps you to dodge their Ults. So, Let’s start with the Item Builds,

1. Twisted Fate Item Build (Mid Lane)

rod of ages

Rod of Ages

Lich Bane

Lich Bane

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Rabadons Deathcap

Rabadon’s Deathcap

Zhonyas Hourglass

Ionian Stasis

Void Staff

Void Staff

Rapid fire cannon

Rapid Firecannon

Stealth Ward


2. Twisted Fate Item Build (AD Carry)

Lich Bane

Lich Bane

Nashors tooth

Nashor’s Tooth

gluttonous greaves

Gluttonous Greaves

Blade of the Ruined King

Blade of the Ruined King

Zhonyas Hourglass

Gluttonous Stasis

Rapid fire cannon

Rapid Firecannon

Infinity Edge

Infinity Edge

Stealth Ward


Now, Let’s look at the “Twisted fate Ability analysis with Attack Combos”, 

Wild Rift Twisted Fate’s Ability analysis with Best Attack Combos

Let’s start with Twisted Fate’s Ability analysis first, as it will help us to understand his abilities in-depth so you can create better attack combos quickly. So, Let’s begin,

Wild Rift Twisted Fate’s Ability analysis with Stats

1. Loaded Dice (Passive)
Twisted Fate Passive

Loaded Dice

Gain 2 to 12 bonus gold upon Killing a unit.
2. Wild Cards (First Ability)
Twisted Fate Q

Wild Cards

Throws three cards, dealing 60 magic damage (60 + 65% AP).

Base Damage: 60/120/180/240

Mana Cost: 60/70/80/90

Cooldown: 3.9 Second

3. Pick a Card (Second Ability)

Twisted Fate W

Pick a Card

First Cast: Start shuffling Twisted Fate’s deck.

Second Cast: Pick a Card to Empower his next attack.

Red Card deal 82 magic damage (30 + 65% AP + 100% AD) in an area and slows by 35% for 3 seconds.

Blue card deal 92 magic damage (40 + 80% AP + 100% AD) and restores 60 Mana.

Golden card deal 67 magic damage (15 + 50% AP + 100% AD) and stun for 1.25 seconds.

Red card Dmg: 30/50/70/90

Slow: 35%/40%/45%/50%

Mana Cost: 40/60/80/100

Cooldown: 3.9 second

4. Stacked Deck (Third Ability)
Twisted Fate E

Stacked Deck

Passive: Gains 15% attack speed. Every 4th attack deals 60 bonus magic damage (60 + 45% AP).

Active: Gain 40% Attack Speed for 3 seconds. During this time, the attacking enemy champion rolls Loaded dice. 

Bonus Damage: 60/90/120/150

Attack Speed: 40%/50%/60%/70%

Cooldown: 11/10.3/9.7/9

Mana Cost: 50

5. Destiny (Ultimate)
Twisted Fate R


First Cast: Reveals all enemy champion for 6 seconds.

Second cast: Channel for 1.5 seconds to teleport to a target location.

Duration: 6/7/8

Cooldown: 83.9/71/58.1

Duration: 6/7/8

Note: Q = First Ability, W = Second Ability, E = Third Ability, R = Ultimate

Now, Let’s look at Twisted Fate’s Ability Up-gradation Path,

Which Ability should I Upgrade first when playing as a Twisted Fate?

In Wild Rift, when playing as a Twisted Fate, first unlock all three basic abilities. After that, keep upgrading your Q to the max level, followed by your W and E. Don’t forget to unlock and upgrade your ultimate whenever available.

Twisted Fate’s Ability Upgradation Path
Twisted Fate Q

Wild Cards

1 4 6 7
Twisted Fate W

Pick a Card

3 8 10 11
Twisted Fate E

Stacked Deck

2 12 14 15
Twisted Fate R


5 9 13

Now, It’s time to find out the, Best Attack Combos for Twisted Fate to burst down enemies.

Best Attack Combos for Twisted Fate in Wild Rift

In Wild Rift, you can create multiple attack combos with Twisted Fate based on the enemy champion you are facing and your playstyle. Let’s look at some amazing combos used by Twisted Fate Main’s,

Combo 1(with Ultimate):

R (Destiny) > W (Pick a card) > AA (Auto Attacks) > W (Pick a Card) > Q (Wild Cards) > W (Pick a Card) > E (Stacked Desk) > AA (Auto Attacls) > W (Pick a Card) > AA (Auto Attacks) > W (Pick a card) > Q (Wild Cards)

Note: Twisted Attack Combo looks too complicated isn’t it? But, trust me, it is not. You just have to spam his first and second ability with auto-attacks as Twisted Fate’s first and second ability has a very short cooldown.

Combo 2 (without Ultimate):

W (Pick a card) > AA (Auto Attacks) > W (Pick a Card) > Q (Wild Cards) > W (Pick a Card) > E (Stacked Desk) > AA (Auto Attacls) > W (Pick a Card) > AA (Auto Attacks) > W (Pick a card) > Q (Wild Cards)

Wild Rift Twisted Fate Counters









Wild Rift Twisted Fate Gameplay Tips and Tricks

Twisted fate

Early Game: 

In Wild Rift, Twisted Fate’s early game is pretty good, so in the early game, focus on farming and keep poking the enemy with your abilities whenever you get an opportunity. Twisted relies on his attack combos for his damage output, so prepare and execute your attack combos properly to deal maximum damage to the enemy.

Twisted Fate has the almost global ultimate in the wild rift, which he can use to teleport anywhere on the map. So, always keep your eye on the side lane and use your ultimate to help them whenever you get the opportunity.

Late Game: 

Twisted Fate becomes very strong in the Late Game once he has his core items and few kills under his belt. Twisted Fate can burst down squishy enemies with his attack combos in the Late game. So, roam with your team in the Late game and try to pick off before the objective fight.

In the late game, use your ultimate to teleport behind the enemies during the team fight to get your enemies by surprise. 

Frequently Asked Question about Twisted Fate

Which lane should I play as a Twisted Fate?

In Wild Rift, Twisted Fate is a Mage champion commonly played in a Mid lane and Dragon lane (AD Carry).

How good is Twisted Fate in Wild Rift?

In Wild Rift, Twisted Fate is considered as an A-tier pick for Mid lane and dragon lane.

Which ability I should upgrade first when playing as Twisted Fate?

When playing as Twisted Fate, first upgrade your Q to the max level followed by your W and E. Don't forget to unlock and upgrade your ultimate whenever available.

Which Runes should I use with Twisted Fate?

The Best Runes for Twisted Fate are Electrocute, Brutal, Adaptive Carapace and Sweet Tooth.

Wild Rift Other Champions Guide: 

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For the latest Wild Rift updates, visit: wildrift.leagueoflegends.com

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