In Coin Master, players need to collect coins and Spins to grow their village. There are many ways to get free Spins and Coins in Coin Master like Events, Free Spins and Coins reward links and Raid and Attacks.
You will get the option to Raid the other player’s village when you spin the wheel, and the result comes as three different big bandits. When you get the Raid option, you will be randomly transported to the village, and you will get 3 shovels and 4 spots marked by “X” where you can dig. So, Let’s start with the “Tips and Tricks which help you to do successful big raids in Coin Master”,
How to do successful big raids in the Coin Master?
Before we start with the Tips and Tricks, if you don’t want to raid your Friends village, then we have a detailed article on “How to Change a Raid location in Coin Master?“. So, Let’s begin,
1. Keep your Pet Foxy Active
In Coin Master, you can unlock different pets as your Village level increases, like foxy and Rhino. So, when going for a raid, make sure your Foxy is Active. When you take foxy with you on a Raid, you will get bonus Coins and Rewards for Raid.
To Keep your Pet active, you have to give them a Pet food, and you can only use Pet boost for only 4 hours. So, make sure to save your pet food if you are going for a Raid and don’t forget to upgrade Foxy using the XP as you will get more Coin as your Pet level increases. The Coin collected by foxy will also be multiplied by your Bets.
2. Bet Minimum and Spin
If you want to get the Raid option as early as possible, then start spinning while keeping the bet minimum and spin for at least 20 to 30 times and if you don’t get the Raid option in these spins, then stop 5-10 minutes. After that, start spinning again while keeping the bet minimum and spin for at least 20 times more. If you still don’t get the Raid option the stop spinning and wait for some time. After some time, start spinning again but increase your Bet to maximum and spin 20 to 30 times.
3. Increases your Bet if you know Raid is coming
In Coin Master, rewards follow some weird Patterns as if you get the Raid option after the 20 spins, and then it might be possible that you will get the Raid option again after the 20 to 30 spins. This Pattern changes every time, so there is no way to know it for sure, but you can try to decode the Pattern based on the Rewards you are getting.
So, if you can decode the Pattern, then increase your bet to the maximum as when you get the Raid option while betting the maximum, you will get more reward for Raid as coins collect by Foxy will be multiplied by your Bet.
4. Wait for the Events
In Coin Master, there are many cool events like Village Master, Village Mania, Attack Madness, Raid Madness and Viking Quest. So, if you are looking for the Raids and Raid Madness event is about to begin, then it is better to wait for some time until the event begins as you will get more Raid options during the event.
During Raid Madness, you will get the Raid option more frequently and consistently. So, you can make your betting strategy to win big during this event. If you want to win more during the Raid Madness event, we have a detailed article on the “How to win Big in Raid Madness” event.
5. Stack your Coins
IF you know any big events like village mania, Village Master or Raid Madness is about to begin, then it is better to stack your Coins until the event begins as you will get more rewards for your Coins if you spend them during the event.
That’s it for this article. If you have any questions or feedback regarding this article, then feel free to use the comment section below.
Relevant Reads:
- Each Village Cost in Coin Master with Boom Village list
- How to play Coin Master like a Pro?
- Coin Master Free Spins and Coins Link
- How to activate Ghost Mode in Coin Master?
Download: Coin Master
A computer engineer by day, gamer by night. He grew up playing Mario and contra, and just like every other 90s kid, he got passionate about mobile gaming. He had done bachelors in computer science and played fps and MOBA games for years.