Wild Rift Runes Guide with Stats Explained

In League of Legends Wild Rift, players have to select four runes before the match. These Runes provide different abilities like health regen, increased AD and AP, Mana regen, Increased AR and MR, movement speed, etc.

Wild Rift Runes Guide with Stats

Types of Runes in Wild Rift:

There are two types of Runes in Wild Rift,

1. Keystone: The first Rune on the Rune selection Page is Called Keystone Rune. The player can only select one Keystone Rune for the match. It is recommended to select Keystone based on your Champion and your playstyle as the Keystone rune is the most powerful, and it can affect your gameplay immensely.

2. Minor: The following Runes after the Keystone runes on the Rune selection page are called minor runes. These runes are also essential, but you can do some experiment with these runes as these Runes does not affect your gameplay as much the Keystone does. There are three types of Minor Runes in Wild Rift Domination, Resolve and Inspiration. You can select one Rune from each of them. 

Now, Let’s start with the Keystones runes, 

Wild Rift Keystone Runes with Stats and Tier list

Name Stats
conqueror wild rift 1


Stacking Damage:

Gain Stacks of adaptive force when hitting a champion with a separate attack or abilities. It stacks up to 5 times. When fully stacked, deals bonus adaptive damage to and champion.

Per Stack: (2-6) bonus AD or (3-9) AP for 6 seconds.

Fully Stacked Bonus: Melee: 10% Ranged: 7% Bonus adaptive damage to champions.


electrocute wild rift


Burst Damage: 

Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities in 3s deals bonus damage (adaptive).

damage: (30-184) based on level + 40% AD + 25% AP

Cooldown: 25 Seconds


fleet footwork wild rift

Fleet Footwork

Mobility, Heal:

Moving, attacking and casting builds an energy stack. At full-stack, your next attack heals you and grants increased movement speed.

Heal: (15-85) based on level + 30% bonus AD + 30% AP

Movement Speed bonus: 20% for 1 seconds.

On ranged champions, heals for (7%) when attacking minions.


font of life wild rift

Font of Life

Team Heal:

Hitting an enemy champion with an attack or ability mark them. When allies or you damage marked champion, heal those allies and yourself. Each ally can trigger this healing once per mark.

Ally Heal: 6% of your max health + 40% of your AP

Self Heal: 2% of your max Health + 20% of your AP

Mark duration: 4 Second

Cooldown: 6 Second for Melee champions, 10 seconds for ranged champions

subsequent heals from other ally mark are reduced to 25%. 

grasp of the undying wild rift

Grasp of the Undying

Tank, Heal:

Every 4 seconds in the combat, your next attack on a champion will be enhanced based on your max health.

Heal: 2% of your Max health.

Permanently increases your health by 5.

Bonus Damage: 4% of your Max Health, magic damage on ranged champion reduces the effect by 40%.


aery wild rift


Poke, protect:

Your attack and abilities send arey to target. Damaging them or shielding allies.

Damage: (10-60) based on your level + 20% AD + 10% AP

Shield: (20-120) based on your level + 40% AD + 20% AP

Arey cannot be sent again until it returns to you.


aftershock wild rift


Control, Offence:

After immobilizing the enemy champion, you gain defence and later deals a burst of magic damage around you.

Defences: 35 AR + 60% bonus armor and 35 MR + 60% bonus magic resistance for 2.5 second

Damage: (12-110) based on your level + 3% max health, magic damage

Cooldown: 20 Seconds

Phase Rush

Phase Rush

Burst Mobility:

Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities in 4s grants a large burst of movement speed and slow resistance.

Buff Duration: 3 Second

Movement Speed Bonus: Meele: 40% – 60% (Based on the level) Ranged: 30%-50% (Based on the level)

Slow resist: 75%

Cooldown: 15 Seconds

Wild Rift Physical Item Guide, pick the perfect item for your champion based on item stats and effects. 

Wild Rift Minor Runes with Stats and Tier list

There are three types of minor runes in the Wild Rift, 

1. Domination Runes stats and Tier List 

Name Stats
Brutal rune 1


AD/AP, Penetration

Gain 7 AD and 2% armor penetration, or 14 AP and 2% Magic penetration (Adaptive). 

Gathering Storm rune

Gathering Storm

Increasing AD/ AP

Every 3 minutes, gain increasing adaptive AD or AP

Totalling: 2,5,9,14… AD etc or 4,10,18,28… AP etc; based on the game time.

Hunter Vampirism rune

Hunter Vampirism

AD/ AP, Vamp

Gain 2% physical vamp or 2% magic vamp. Unique champion takedowns grant 2 AD with 1% physical vamp or 4 AP with 1% magic vamp (Adaptive).

Triumph rune


Execute, Heal

Champions takedown restores 10% missing health, Deals 3% more damage to enemies below 35% health. 

Weakness rune


Control, Bonus Damage 

Impairing the movement of the enemy champions makes them take 5% more damage in the following 5 seconds.

Champion rune


High Risk, High Damage

Gain 8% Damage against champions. Lose 4% each time you die until bonus damage disappears. 

Wild Rift Magic Item Guide, pick the perfect item for your champion based on item stats and effects. 

2. Resolve Runes stats and Tier List 

Name Stats
Hunter Titan rune 1

Hunter Titan

Health, Tenacity

Gain 20 max health, unique champion takedown grants 20 max health and 4% tenacity. 

Second Wind

Second Wind

Heal after taking damage

Gains 6 Health every 5 seconds. 

After taking damage from an enemy champion regenerates 6 + (3% of your health) over the next 10 seconds. This effect is doubled for melee champions.

Loyalty rune


Shared Bonus AR/ MR

You gain 2 AR and 5 MR. Your closed ally champion gains 5 AR and 2 MR. 

Bone Plating

Bone Plating

Block Combo-damage

After taking damage from a champion, the next 3 champions abilities or attack against you within a 1.5 Second deal 30-60 (based on the level) less damage.

Cooldown: 45 Seconds. 

Backbone rune 1

Adaptive Carapace

Health, AR/ MR

Gain 50 Health. While below 50 health, gain 12 AR or MR based on the damage type you took more over the last 60 seconds (Physical damage grants AR, Magic damage grants MR). 



Delayed AR/ MR

Gain 8 bonus AR and MR after 5 minutes of game time. Every 2 minutes after this gain gets 2 bonus AR and MR. 

Wild Rift Defence Item Guide, pick the perfect item for your champion based on item stats and effects. 

3. Inspiration Runes stats and Tier List 

Name Stats
Hunter Genius rune 1

Hunter Genius


Gain 2.5 Ability Haste, Unique champion takedown grants 2.5 ability haste.

Pathfinder rune



Gain 8% movement speed in brush, jungle, and river when out of combat.

Mastermind rune


Objective, Gold

Deal 10% true damage to epic monsters and turrets. Earn an extra 120 gold upon taking or assisting in taking these objectives.

Sweet Tooth rune

Sweet Tooth

Honey fruit, Gold

Increases honey fruit healing by 25. Whenever you and your nearby ally eat a honey fruit gain 20 gold.

Pack Hunter rune

Pack Hunter

Mobility, Team Gold

While near an ally champion gain 2% movement speed. For each unique ally, you participate in takedown with you gain 50 gold and ally gain 50 gold. 

Manaflow Band rune

Manaflow band


Hitting an enemy champion with an ability or empowered attack permanently increases your max mana by 30, up to 300 mana.

For the latest wild-rift related updates: wildrift.leagueoflegends.com

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